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Who am I? The short version:


My name is Shane Soltyszewski (salt – a chef – ski) born in Australia to Polish parents, study to be a chef, hated it so I moved on, studied Architectural Technology at Tafe, liked it but, want to learn more about design, went on to study Architecture at University, graduated in 2004. Work as a graduate architect under Pritzker prize (often referred to as the Nobel Prize of architecture) winner and world famous architect Renzo Piano in his firm in France. Came back to Australia as I missed mum’s cooking, worked as an Architect for some big companies and small ones too, moved into the construction side of the industry for a design and construct project. Got made redundant, moved back into architecture, I worked for two more firms which, in the end I parted ways.


The why?


I started Artique Design Group as there’s no time like the present, no better day than today, or no righter time than right now, I had the little voice inside my head say ‘Go on and seize the moment, opportunity favours the bold, when did you last seize the moment?’ So here I am seizing the moment, because I know for a fact I can give way better services, both personally and professionally. I don’t take myself too series, the photo on the left shows this, as I believe there is a time and a place when to be appropriate and not, I see myself like a chameleon, adapting to ‘that time and place’ but in the end, I love what I do, the money is a bonus!       

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